Thursday, February 27, 2020Whether you have a mortgage for your home or not, it is important that you have a home insurance policy. The purpose of a home insurance policy is to protect your finances and investment in the event your property is damaged or destroyed.
Here’s more about what to look for in home insurance in 2020. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, February 25, 2020The annual family road trip. For some, it brings back wonderful childhood memories of visiting tourist sites around the country. To others, it reminds them of endless hours of driving while squished in the car with their siblings and eating peanut butter sandwiches en route to save time.
Thursday, February 20, 2020One of the best ways to bring your home insurance rates down is also one of the best ways to improve your home: Make all those small and medium-sized fixes you've been meaning to make.
Here are a few quick fixes that can help you pay lower premiums:
Tear down old structures on your property.
Tuesday, February 18, 2020Squirrels, mice, and rats live in every part of the country. And these rodents also love to turn vehicles into a shelter for the winter. Engine compartments, vehicle interiors, and even mufflers are often deemed ideal nesting spots for pesky pests. READ MORE >>
Thursday, February 13, 2020What you consider an expansion to your business may differ from what your business insurance provider considers an expansion. Launching a new product, for instance, may not feel like a big deal, but it does bring a whole host of new insurance risks that your insurer needs to know about in order to provide you with adequate protection. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, February 11, 2020Since your home is likely the biggest purchase you will make in your lifetime, it's important to protect your investment with home insurance. This coverage protects you from financial loss in the event of a covered instance.
Here’s more on whether your fence, shed and other outbuilding are covered by your home insurance policy. READ MORE >>
Monday, February 10, 2020A business owners policy (BOP) is a business insurance package geared toward small businesses. It combines important coverages into one policy, usually at a cheaper rate than buying them individually. A BOP covers two main areas: property and liability. READ MORE >>
Thursday, February 6, 2020Jump starting a vehicle with a dead battery has long been a courtesy drivers give to each other. But advances in electronics in modern cars mean a lot more can go wrong in this exchange. And if it does, car insurance may not cover the resulting damage.
What Can Go Wrong When Jump Starting Someone's Car? READ MORE >>
Tuesday, February 4, 2020Business insurance helps you cover expenses when your business experiences interruptions. Just as you wouldn’t open a business without fire and windstorm insurance, it’s important to protect your business operations themselves. READ MORE >>
Friday, January 31, 2020Uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage isn't required in every state. But it's a good idea to use it to protect yourself, your passengers and your vehicle. Here’s more on this coverage and how it can protect you from financial loss in an accident. What Is Uninsured Motorist Car Insurance? READ MORE >>
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